欢迎您 鄢旎律师事务所 休斯顿服务中心
Since its founding in 2002 in Houston, Texas, the Law Office of Solis & Yan has built a distinguished track record of successful legal representation, offering expert immigration services to clients worldwide. We are recognized leaders in providing high-caliber, personalized legal assistance for complex and time-sensitive immigration matters.
Understanding the challenges and frustrations often associated with the immigration process, we prioritize client service and work closely with clients at every step. Our multilingual team, fluent in both English and Chinese, brings extensive professional experience to the table. We consult with clients to develop effective, strategic immigration plans that are both time- and cost-efficient.
Our approach streamlines the legal process by providing clear guidance and assisting clients with the preparation of supporting documents, evidence, legal papers, and translations. Most importantly, we present our cases to U.S. immigration authorities in a compelling legal manner, ensuring all filings are made with the correct agency, forms, and payments. We are dedicated to maintaining accuracy and thoroughness to prevent delays, carefully checking every detail.
We actively track case progress and promptly notify clients of any important developments or necessary actions. Our commitment to accessibility, attention to detail, and a proven history of successful outcomes has earned us a reputation for unmatched client satisfaction.
At the Law Office of Solis & Yan, we are committed to providing the highest level of legal service for your most important cases—immigrating to the U.S.—and you can be confident that you’ll receive the best professional immigration services when you work with us.
鄢旎执业律师 |
鄢旎出生于中国湖南省,自幼展现出卓越的才华。在北京攻读第一个法学学位期间,她的法律才能和演讲能力便备受瞩目。她曾受邀在台湾大学和香港大学的学术会议上发表演讲,其深刻的见解和专业的表达赢得了广泛认可。她还参与共同撰写了一本关于新颁布的《中国合同法》的法律评论书籍,该书在学术界和实务界均获得高度评价。 毕业后,凭借卓越的学术成绩,颜妮获得了休斯顿大学法学院的全额奖学金,并顺利取得第二个法学学位。2002年3月,她通过美国律师执业资格考试,正式开始从事法律工作。 目前,颜妮在休斯顿西南地区的办公室执业,专注于移民法律服务,为个人和企业提供专业支持。她成功代理了超过10,000个案件,帮助众多客户实现了在美国生活或工作的梦想。她以务实的法律策略、细致的工作态度以及与客户的友好沟通而广受好评,成为移民法律领域备受信赖的律师之一。 除了日常法律工作,颜妮还积极参与媒体和社区活动。她在《南方华报》和《美中报》上撰写每周六的移民法律专栏,同时主持一档双周播出的移民法律广播节目。这些平台不仅让她的法律建议深入人心,也帮助更多人了解复杂的移民法律流程。此外,她还定期在大学、研究机构和社区活动中举办讲座,分享她的专业知识与实践经验,进一步回馈社会。 颜妮以其丰富的经验和卓越的服务精神,为每一位客户提供高质量的法律支持,帮助他们实现人生的重要目标。 |